The right platform, at the right time, to the right customer.Uncompromising visibility

Your digital ad campaign should include every platform where your potential customers, clients, or patients visit. While Google leads the pack for search engines, other search engines, along with social media platforms are heavily trafficked. An integrated paid search marketing campaign can significantly ramp up your business, driving new customers, clients, or patients through your doors.

Why should I pay for Google ads? Three letters: ROI

Many people simply think that they should be able to rank organically in Search Engines and there is no need for Google AdWords. This is far from true, for a number of reasons. 

First, especially if you are launching your website with no previous history, this is the most obvious and effective method of getting the phone ringing. When someone searches for the keywords related to your business, you want your ad prominently featured, as this immediately drives traffic to your site and gets people coming in the door. Paid search has a secondary benefit of driving traffic to your site, which we have found over the course of many, many organic search campaigns to be extremely beneficial as a fully integrated, successful approach to online marketing.

Paid search allows you to specifically target the type of users you want, which is virtually impossible with organic search.

Our most successful internet marketing campaigns utilize both good SEO practices, along with Paid Search campaigns to increase your business exponentially. As a top digital marketing agency, this is, of course, our end goal for you.

Google AdWords: Focused, precise campaigns for best conversion Due diligence is key

Unlike organic search marketing (SEO), Google AdWords allows you to precisely target the keywords you want to show up for. The key is finding the right keywords. If you are not careful you can end up spending a large portion of your budget on irrelevant traffic that may increase the total visitors to your site but won’t increase your business. For instance, if you are a company trying to sell expensive leather boots for men, the keyword “affordable boots” is not something you want to be spending money on. That may seem obvious, but you would be surprised at what we often see when taking over campaigns from other agencies.

In the world of digital advertising, it’s all about testing: we are constantly testing various types of Ads, Keywords, Targeting and Automation to optimize your campaigns. With optimum conversion by industry standards at around 4% - our team works on improving that Conversion Rate through Conversion Rate Optimization, Landing Page Optimization as well as using Post-Click Automation.


Branch out Digital AdvertisingIt is More than AdWords

Paid Search Marketing is not limited to just Google AdWords campaigns, which can be expensive. There are many, many other internet marketing paid search tools you can use that can significantly ramp up your online presence.

Microsoft/Bing Still significant

Microsoft Bing ads deliver significant advantages in lead generation, brand awareness, driving the right traffic to your website, and remarketing. Ad campaigns run on this platform reach a higher spending audience than the competition and are visible to a massive number of users. The Microsoft search network audience spends 30 percent more online than users who are Google searchers. The demographics prove a point.

With an ad campaign run on Microsoft/Bing, you gain an unexpected advantage. As Microsoft powers several other platforms, your ads appear on Bing, MSN, Yahoo, AOL, YouTube, and other sites powered by Bing, and your business can reap enormous benefits.


Under 45


Top 25% earners in US








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College grad

eCommerce ad campaigns Let’s go shopping

Buyer behavior has transformed, and while shoppers will still visit brick-and-mortar outlets, eCommerce sales are on a steep rise. At Studio III, we can help you take advantage of this trend with a customized eCommerce ad campaign. The process involves analyzing the market, identifying the ideal times and platforms on which to run your campaign, and appealing design and copy that communicateswe do it all. 

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter From likes to conversions

Your integrated ad campaign can be even more successful by running social media ads that appear on the platforms your ideal customer frequents. We can help you reach the demographic most likely to visit your website or arrive at your doors. We perform an extensive analysis to identify the platforms to bolster your campaign and produce conversions with targeted social media advertising.

Customized to support your brand Cheaper is pricier

At Studio III, our digital advertising team dives deep into analytics when planning your campaign. Our designers are among the most talented in the business, creating visually appealing ads to enhance your online profile, enticing users by speaking to their real-world concerns, and driving traffic to your website. When our team is involved in your digital advertising campaign, combining science and artistry creates synergy with results you will see on your bottom line.

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