LeadLoop a deep dive into lead tracking

As a marketing company, Studio III has had huge success generating leads for our clients. These leads may be generated through your website organically, through digital marketing initiatives, or through social media. Once an interested client, customer, or patient fills out an online form that arrives via email, it is critical that every lead is treated like gold.

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Tracking Leads with LeadLoop Drilling down to the facts

LeadLoop is a lead management platform. It collects all leads from every source, whether through your website, a digital ad, a social media post, Yelp, or any source. It creates a unified “inbox” where all your leads live.

You need to know how many leads convert and result in an in-person consultation, a service performed, and the dollar revenue generated through every source. ROI is a big deal. Analyzing your marketing initiatives is the only way to truly measure the effect of your marketing spend. 

LeadLoop was developed to provide advanced lead tracking that is easy for your team members to use. Through the LeadLoop platform, your team can communicate with interested people, tracking every conversation via SMS, email, phone, or video chat. LeadLoop then follows these potential customers along your sales process via “Pipelines.” Pipelines allow you to define your sales workflow, so the sales team can better manage and tag customers for services and cash value. Finally, LeadLoop sorts the data, generating extremely granular ROI reports.

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The LeadLoop Advantage: Lead Analytics That Works for You. Watch the magic happen 

LeadLoop has three user types, for which various problems are resolved:

Front-desk: Your front desk team is typically managing leads and is one of the most critical points in the sales process. With LeadLoop, the staff you task with lead management have a platform from which to handle and track all conversations, so no one falls through the cracks.

Business owners: LeadLoop provides owners with a depth of visibility into digital ad, website, and social media performance, and allows for staff performance to be evaluated, tweaked, and enhanced.

Marketers: Your marketing team has access to high level analytics to track the performance of their marketing initiatives in ways never before possible. 

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ReviewLoop Invite your clients into the mix

ReviewLoop is a review solicitation tool. Word of mouth is known to be one of the most effective ways to drive more business through your doors, and positive reviews matter. ReviewLoop inspires reviews from your customers, clients, or patients, by sending a friendly text to inspire them to write a review. You have countless happy customers that would be happy to write a review, and this tool works as both a reminder and an inspiration.

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